I am a Pembroke Pines dentist who has a reputation as an emergency dentist and in  cosmetic dentistry and implant or denture dentistry has been a dentist for 25 years. He has come across many stories. This is a funny one. One vacation day I  got a call begging me to come into the office. I was not feeling that well that day, but if you  are an emergency dentist you go in when called to. So rushing off to the office a cop pulled me over.  So this cop gives me this  long speech on safe driving and then hands me a ticket. 
 Of course then I went to the office in a bad mood. Calming  myself down I then waited for this emergency patient. A few minutes later, a voice if hear in my waiting room the voice of the cop who just gave me the traffic ticket, shout, “Hey Emergency dentist, my tooth is killing me.” Dr Mark Zaher, a Pembroke Pines dentist welcomes you for all dental care needs to his office at 954-432-1900. Come in today and don’t wait to need an emergency. drzahlerdentist.com


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