Preventing Brittle Teeth In Children

Teeth is one of digesting it. That you follow all of the bacteria and the bacteria as input from well outside the body, oral health, whether it is essential. It is said that only children experience a variety of diseases such as bleeding and tooth loss, gum cavities often like this.

I tooth decay according to the DRG. Dr Lina Risqa Darwita, may happen to anyone. "Usually, in children, they are, at the time of the baby teeth" Lecturer, Graduate School of Dental Medicine, University of Indonesia, Jakarta said. In most cases, because a lot of plaque accumulation for many of the remaining milk in the teeth, tooth decay in infants.

Children exacerbated by the lack of interest of parents in infant dental hygienist who loves to eat candy and sweets also make it easier to attenuation or loss. "Baby teeth are porous. Could be replaced by permanent teeth, but the future" for some children, although toothbrushes are wise, permanent teeth, we have experienced the loss of teeth There Earl avoid sugary foods.

Teeth of structural damage
In construction, I will be covered from the neck of the tooth by the gum and tooth root crown. "All parts of the oral cavity, where you can not maintain that it is susceptible to disease properly," he explained. Incidence of tooth loss, put drugs called Risqa, pulpitis and pulp inflammation or gangrene.

Kekeroposan, this concerns the structure of tooth decay and spread the outer layer of pulp, dentin layer of the teeth caused by most (hard coating that protects teeth) e-mail. In general, tooth loss occurs for several reasons. "Heap minerals calcium and plaque and food less, can lead to tooth loss among some people, the loss of teeth can be caused by genetic material,." He said I said again.

Losses caused by the presence of plaque on the teeth have not been washed in general. "Do not be removed from outside the dental plaque, the method comprising releases acidic substances,. Was there a meeting point for microorganisms, the microorganisms are" because, like milk bread, cereal, making soda, fruit plaques many foods, including (foods containing gluten and sugar) carbohydrates such as cakes left on the tooth, or gum.

Bacteria that live in the mouth digest these foods, I was converted to the acid (acid). But the convergence of bacteria and saliva, acid and food to stay close with dental plaque. Causes of mail in a fine layer of caries, known as hair loss or releases acidic, tooth decay and plaque that will be eroded over time. "Kekeroposan by acid to destroy the cause of soft tissue (like gum)."

Except that it is possible to e-mail the organization destroyed, calculus also microorganisms, supports changes to the plaque that is not removed in time - S. mutation - microorganisms. He said, "If the condition is left untreated, will remain in the spread of dentin and pulp and destruction".

If the damage to pulp and dentin, tooth nerve is described die, if the tooth nerve causing death or nerve of the tooth caries in teeth with "gangrene or necrosis, especially, but also can lead to death by little, a little messy and eventually become brittle teeth" nerve of the tooth, which means the loss of tooth function. '

Dental cushion elements
Because sometimes in addition to the loss of dental plaque, of a lack of intake of fluoride helps teeth going strong. "I've never seen a single community of Borneo have suffered tooth loss that I found, the case," said Risqa. The study found, because it (mineral) is not enough fluoride intake. "You drink rain water does not contain fluoride," he explained.

On the other hand, the loss of a child's teeth, probably due to genetic factors. "He said, she has kids teeth can also lead to loss of tooth decay." Since the genes carried on the baby may be a gene that contains calcium deficiency and children and causes less minerals and calcium. "Due to consume large amounts of calcium and minerals, pregnant women, is important."

The need for calcium and minerals, it is urgent to strengthen the enamel Risqa place. "This need can be met by drinking mineral water, and adequate nutrition - Brushing your teeth with toothpaste that contains fluoride and vitamin D, especially." Vitamin D is a phosphorus and calcium This is one of the most important elements of the metabolism.

So the kids will try to get a little 10mg per day (sunlight in the morning) vitamin D sufficient. Failure to meet these needs, it could be your child. For all children serajin problem Sun in strengthening tooth structure caused by disturbances in mineralization of bone structure and tooth for tooth brushing, avoid sugary foods, it is to strengthen teeth Because the elements is missing, you will be able to experience the loss of teeth.

Avoid revocation
In fact, anyone can be that missing teeth. In general, the loss of teeth more commonly male, it was parents (seniors). It's hard for parents because the body absorbs more fluoride. But I do not exclude such Risqa. He said the presence of the children who have lost a tooth, "and influenced by the craft and discipline of children brushing teeth dental health is strong."

In children who had rotten teeth, Risqa recommended to be taken to a dentist immediately for examination. "In this test, it is necessary to determine the reason why. Brittle teeth will determine" if there is cause tooth loss caused by the tartar and plaque, your doctor for recommended cleaning tartar and plaque. "But the pit contents should be. Done in the form of the cavity when keroposannya"

And not have to deal with the cancellation, of course Risqa, brittle teeth - it is the biggest fear for the children. He added that there was "in dental extractions today. Choice last," and to fix the tooth is porous and can be done with a crown on the tooth surface. "The crown enamel is porous and eventually replaced."

Because the nerves begin to start (necrosis) is death decay, tooth loss, except when it is very difficult not to wish that there was a need to remove the tooth. Because if you do not cause health problems, he said, should be addressed we rot cavities and untreated - not only in (such as thrush, for example) about oral health, just not on the other foot.

Gigi is a picture of the health of our bodies. Because he has a cavity and tooth decay, it has resulted from the influence of other disease high blood pressure, heart or someone. There are units that have been linked as a healthy tooth trivial Well rest of the body element, a healthy body "is a disorder of the teeth, can be caused by, and vice versa .. body not to be, yes to" advice, he said.

Tips to prevent tooth loss:
Brush your teeth twice a day and at least toothpaste A. fluoride. Especially after meals and before bed.
If you need both, to gargle gargle with mouthwash week even if you can help plaque and tartar.
Between the teeth and the entire surface of the tooth brushing correctly only three
If so you can brush your teeth with medium pressure Fourth, to clean teeth too soft and a little pressure is too high, the damage, it will be the tooth enamel.
If you need five, we use dental floss and dental floss to clean food particles stuck between the teeth.
Eating a balanced and nutritious diet sixth. Please avoid carbohydrates like sweets and starchy foods such as whole tooth can be attached to the included, eating too much food.
Do not use toothpaste fluoridenya element is too high or too low seventh. Decay is fluoride can be toxic too much.
Drinking water containing fluoride and minerals eighth.
Dental examinations were conducted in the first six months to nine months, then, do the cleaning of plaque and tartar on a regular basis.

Acidic, tooth
, Brushing your teeth regularly DRG light. Can cause tooth food debris can be accumulated, Dr. Lena Risqa Darwita The plaque and calculus avoided - so that the teeth can become brittle over time. Risqa You should not have to brush your teeth after eating too quickly, however.

"Our Mouth, (pH) actual acidity - I need a pH of 7, which is specific," he said. Critical time to reach a pH of 5.5, ie, chewing mouth, it is in the pH of the mouth gradually lowered. "In order to achieve a normal pH. You can set up to 20 minutes to 30" If we are too frequent snacking, it is brittle teeth gradually ease. This is not normal and it is due to the acidity of the mouth. '

So if we reduce the acidity in the mouth brushing, children brushing teeth immediately after eating so. "Therefore, it is recommended, about 20 to 30 minutes, a new brush your teeth after meals We .. You can also gear pH will also last or" So we usually like brushing your teeth with toothpaste I told him, and advice to, and I " has suggested rather than brushing your teeth thoroughly.

While there is a need for dental fluoride toothpaste, detergent, (while brushing your teeth, to see the effect of the bubble) that much. In fact, there is no effect on the teeth a good cleaning. "When you clean dirt and food scraps right, or Is wasted. The teeth, we can use it without too much time, toothbrush brush your teeth with toothpaste."

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