Invisalign ( Invisible Orthodontic Treatment)

The Invisalign system is a series of clear aligners used to straighten teeth. The Invisalign aligners are made after the orthodontist takes impressions of your teeth and sends them to a lab.  The lab makes the Invisalign aligners custom made clear aligners especially for you using computerized technology.  After a couple of weeks the clear Invisalign aligners arrive at the office of your orthodontist and the first set of Invisalign aligners are tried on your teeth.

The Invisalign aligners are clear and are barely visible to others compared to metal orthodontic Braces with brackets and wires. The number of Invisalign aligners will depend on the individual patient and the orthodontic problem. The Invisalign aligners are generally fairly comfortable.  There can be some discomfort or mild Pain when a new Invisalign aligner is placed as it exerts pressure on the teeth to move them.  Unlike traditional metal orthodontic Braces, there are no brackets to come off or wires to break and poke.  

The disadvantages of Invisalign are:
The Invisalign system is for adults not everyone is a candidate for Invisalign. Children and younger teenagers will require the more traditional orthodontic technique. Also the Invisalign system is designed for only certain tooth movements. The cost of Invisalign may be significantly more than with metal braces. The Invisalign Aligners are removable and require motivation to be worn consistently by patients.


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